Please note: SINAI FEILD MISSION DVDs are region-free, but we cannot ship to France due to existing distribution agreements. Contact us directly at if you require more information.
SINAI FIELD MISSION shows the routine activities of the diplomats and electronics technicians who operate the U.S. Sinai Field Mission, the early warning system established in 1976 to help facilitate the disengagement between Egypt and Israel after the 1973 war. The major purpose of the Mission is to monitor the approaches to strategic passes and to verify the operations of the Egyptian and Israeli surveillance stations in the Sinai Buffer Zone.
Please note: SINAI FEILD MISSION DVDs are region-free, but we cannot ship to France due to existing distribution agreements. Contact us directly at if you require more information.
SINAI FIELD MISSION shows the routine activities of the diplomats and electronics technicians who operate the U.S. Sinai Field Mission, the early warning system established in 1976 to help facilitate the disengagement between Egypt and Israel after the 1973 war. The major purpose of the Mission is to monitor the approaches to strategic passes and to verify the operations of the Egyptian and Israeli surveillance stations in the Sinai Buffer Zone.
Please note: SINAI FEILD MISSION DVDs are region-free, but we cannot ship to France due to existing distribution agreements. Contact us directly at if you require more information.
SINAI FIELD MISSION shows the routine activities of the diplomats and electronics technicians who operate the U.S. Sinai Field Mission, the early warning system established in 1976 to help facilitate the disengagement between Egypt and Israel after the 1973 war. The major purpose of the Mission is to monitor the approaches to strategic passes and to verify the operations of the Egyptian and Israeli surveillance stations in the Sinai Buffer Zone.
We offer the films at three different price points:
Individual License
Educational License
High Schools & Public Libraries
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Please note that the individual purchase price does not grant public performance rights, including classroom screenings. It is for home viewing purposes only.
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32 Widgeon Cove Lane
Harpswell, Maine 04079
F: 617.864.8006