All films are available to rent in a variety of formats. Please fill out the form below with your rental request
We offer the films at three different price points:
Individual License
Educational License
High Schools & Public Libraries
The Educational License grants non-paying public performance rights to universities, colleges, libraries, high schools and other institutions. It also entitles you to our DVD return program: for up to four years after purchase, if your DVD becomes scratched or unusable, simply return the DVD to us and we will mail you a replacement copy at a cost of $50, including shipping.
Please note that the individual purchase price does not grant public performance rights, including classroom screenings. It is for home viewing purposes only.
Discounts for Educational License purchases
Please contact us directly at orders@zipporah.com for discount information if you have an order of over $2000
Discounts for Individual purchases
Please contact us directly at orders@zipporah.com if you are ordering 15 titles or more for individual use
How to order
Simply visit our Store page, scroll for the film you would like to order and click on the appropriate license price on the drop down menu.
We accept credit cards and Paypal online
* If you’d prefer to order offline, please follow the directions below *
To order by mail or fax, download our Sales Agreement (requires Adobe Acrobat reader)
and fax or mail along with a purchase order or check to:
Zipporah Films, Inc.
32 Widgeon Cove Lane
Harpswell, Maine 04079
F: 617.864.8006
Online orders will be confirmed by return email immediately. Offline orders will be shipped within 4 business days.
Shipping information for Sales
Please note that orders often require 1-3 business days for processing time in addition to transit time. We can usually turn urgent orders around in one day, however, please contact us directly if you have an urgent shipping need or if you wish to use your own shipping account number (handling charges may apply).
Orders received after 10am EST on Fridays will not be shipped until the following Tuesday.
PLEASE NOTE that international airmail shipping is done at your own risk. We cannot be responsible for any DVDs lost or damaged in transit if you select International Airmail service. We also will not ship more than two DVDs by airmail service. If you select International Airmail as your ship method but have three or more DVDs in your shopping cart, the pricing will default to International Priority pricing.
Terms and Conditions for Sales
All sales are final. No refunds will be issued. If a DVD or Blu-Ray is received in damaged or unsatisfactory condition, it may be exchanged for a new copy of the same film. Damages must be reported within 14 days of receipt of video.
Estimated transit times including processing time:
Ground shipping with USPS (first class mail)
(5-7 business days)
Order Size Shipping Cost
1-3 DVD/BLU-RAY $8.95
4-18 DVD/BLU-RAY $12.95
Over 18 DVDs Contact us if ordering offline.
International Air Mail with USPS Global Mail
(9-20 Business Days)
Order Size Shipping Cost
1 – 3 DVD/BLU-RAY $28.00
4 – 8 DVD/BLU-RAY $35.00
9 – 18 DVD/BLU-RAY $45.00
19+ DVD/BLU-RAY $60.00