BLIND shows the educational programs and daily life of students in kindergarten through the 12th grade at the Alabama School for the Blind. The School is organized around the effort to educate blind and visually impaired students to be in charge of their own lives. Sequences in the film include mobility training, braille instruction and orientation as well as traditional classroom subjects such as English, history, science and music. Other sequences show psychological counseling sessions; vocational training; staff dealing with student disciplinary problems; and the wide variety of recreational and athletic programs.

‘Blind’ brings us almost tactiley close to the students and teachers… The big surprise… is how wonderful the institution managers — in this case teachers and administrators — turn out to be. ‘Blind’ illustrates their care and dedication.

-Terry Atkinson, Los Angeles Times

… they are taught, counseled and guided by what appears to be in most respects a remarkably capable and dedicated school staff, some members of which are blind themselves. Amid the soft Southern drawls of both students and staff, racial integration is simply taken for granted.

-John J. O'Connor, The New York Times

… there is a sense of discovery on the part of the viewer. Not pity, but revelation as to how the blind learn to overcome the obstacles facing them.

-Arthur Unger, The Christian Science Monitor