The first part of this film takes place at the E.H. Gentry Technical Facility which provides evaluation and personal adjustment services to sensory impaired adults and also functions as a vocational training center offering technical instruction in 15 career areas such as business, printing, home economics, food services, and computer sciences. Sequences show the adjustment services for adults in personal and work situations as they learn to adjust to their impairments. The film goes on to show work at the Alabama Industries for the Blind, the second largest employer of blind people in the U.S. which provides employment and training to more than 300 blind, deaf and other handicapped persons. Sequences include routine work and manufacturing of a variety of household and military products.
It’s a deeply moving television experience — one containing more joy than heartbreak.
-Terry Atkinson, Los Angeles Times
He takes you inside and makes you feel what it is like to be one of the teachers or administrators. He even conveys a sense of what it is like to be disabled.
-John J. O'Connor, The New York Times
Wiseman is ultimately moving, even uplifting. This uncompromising realist keeps plunging into the world’s hurly-burly and returning with portraits of good people.
-Richard Zoglin, Time